Joe Kid on a Stingray - History
*** Joe Kid on a Stingray-The History of BMX ***
Gene`s BMX News -- 03/10/2005
An update on the Movie Trailer from the new
independent film Joe Kid on a Stingray - The
History of BMX.
"BMX" - how the sport was started is always
fun to take a look back in time and remember.
A small TV Commercial Trailer that is in the
works called Joe Kid on a Stingray-The History
of BMX.
The Update --A some whats of a part 2 to this
Joe Kid On A Stingray -Check out this trailer
for an upcoming movie about the historyof BMX.
Looks pretty cool, It's narrated by Jesse James. ( new web site + mov )
This is out on the net for people to check it out.
I guess this has been a-flot on the net for some
time now, but just incase someone out there has
not seen this, I thought I would pass it along for
the fun of it. So if you are a bmx nut or a bmx rider, '
"This one is for you".....
The trailers do show some good history of BMX.
Its show a good time line from racing to freestyle.
It also shows a good hand full of some of the older
riders from back in the days - A trip back in to time...
Quotes from - Bob Hadley, Bob Haro, David Clinton,
Perry "PK" Kramer, Scot Breithhaupt, John Palfeyman,
Harry Leary, Stu Thomsen, Rick Twomey, Greg Hill,
and lots more............
Its worth a look at it , that is, if you have the time to down load.
PLEASE NOTE: By clicking on this URL link, it is a down load to a
( .MOV file ) and it is BIG! For the people like me, that runs a 56k
-It took me over 2 hrs to down load this,- But it was worth the time.
Quicktime Player 6.5+ works well for viewing this file.
A free down load
if anyone needs to do so.....................
~~ Added trailer and information regarding Via URL`s ~
~Joe Kid on a Sting-Ray, the History of BMX
Bang! Pictures blog - http://blog.bangpictures.coms
More information listed in the blog to what is what.
All Things Northwest in BMX!
***** Gene`s BMX *****
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